Dreams Do Come True

Kruti Patel
3 min readJan 17, 2018

Often people say, I am not lucky, my dreams don’t come true. I disagree. If you give it a go, with full faith and efforts, dreams do become true.

“Dreams don’t work unless you take action. The surest way to make your dreams come true is to live them.”
Roy T. Bennett

I grew up in a small town called Mithapur and worked in smaller cities in Gujarat, India. I always looked at magazines and the pretty pictures and thought, one day I will have my own pretty pictures, I will own these brands and I will work with them to promote them. I didn’t know how! At that time there was only one option, modelling. My short height wouldn’t help me with that, so I was looking for different options.

Me @ Chambord Campaign sipping French Martini

Thanks to social media, the era came where we can create our own content and promote these brands and products we like. Being in tech, a software developer & Fashion blogger is a unique combination. That inspired me to be the odd one out and achieve my dream to be a fashion blogger and work with brands.

I started my blog @abc2style in March 2017, and I regularly posted videos and photos on my website, instagram and youtube. I read lot of articles that taught me how to reach more people by creating interesting and unique content. I have about 4000 followers in a year who loves my instagram account which is incredible, I didn’t think i will even get 100 followers. My friends and family also supported me and encouraged me to keep doing it.

Today I did one of the biggest collaboration I have ever done, collaborated with a liquor brand called Chambord. I first thought do I want to do it? Is it ethically right? I still went for it, and I am glad I did. It was a beautiful event with amazing venue, lots of flowers and ofcourse Chambord.

Me @ Chambord Campaign

I am grateful to God for giving me all these opportunities to do things that I love doing. Be it making softwares or making beautiful content like this. Life is beautiful and I prefer not to waste every moment I am alive.

Today by writing this big blog post I just want to tell you is that do what your heart says you to do. Don’t fear of failing. It’s hard to get started, after that journey unfolds itself. We are lucky, in this digital era, there are so many opportunities to grow and make your mark in this world. Whether you are housewife or working woman, you just have to spare couple of hours of your week (even at cost of your sleep) to make that happen.

If you like cooking, create a blog, or shoot videos and share your secret recipes, you never know you might go to MasterChef one day and become celebrity chef. If you are fashion designer, design your cloths and share your designs online, you never know, you might start your own fashion brand one day or join a big fashion brand. If you are a software developer, just start writing code on GitHub and keep sharing with developers communities, you never know you might get hired by google. If you are into writing, start writing stories or blogs, you never know one day your story might turn into a movie. There are opportunities in everything freaking thing, go you all champions and conquer the world.

Live your dream, don’t leave your dream. — Kruti Patel

(If you want any guidance from me or just feel like talking to me, hit me up. I might be able to help you with something.)



Kruti Patel

Chief Technology Officer @ Super-Rewards | Founder of “Young Coders” | Fashion Blogger “YourMelbourneGirl” | Public speaker.